Welcome to Pushkar Meditation Temple

Pushkar Meditation Temple encapsulates the vision of Swamiji Kapri, a world renowned yoga teacher and mystic. It imparts authentic, comprehensive and complete ancient knowledge based on sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and other scriptures. The courses are structured in a manner that helps each student become a competent and confident yoga teacher in just a few weeks weeks. Hundreds of successful yoga teacers all around the world who trained with Swamiji are a living testimony to this fact.

Other than the RYT200 and RYT300 yoga teacher training courses, Pushkar Meditation Temple offers a unique package called Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) that addresses mental and physical problems through yoga and meditation.

Swamiji also conducts a 2-hour yoga + meditation session every morning for the benefit of all those coming to holy Pushkar and wanting to get a taste of Integral yoga practice.

Two Paths to Spiritual Realization

In ancient Indian yogic tradition there were broadly two paths to spiritual realization: Vivekaja marg (the path of distinction and discrimination) and Yogaja marg (the path of union and integration). Patanjali and all yoga styles based on Yoga Sutra followed the Vivekaja marg in which first the Purusha or Atma (Self) is separated from the Prakriti (matter) and then the Atma (individual soul) is united with Parmatma (Universal Soul). In other words, yoga (union) follows viyog (separation). This philosophy, known as Raja yoga, forms the basis of our RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training course.

Tantra yoga, known as Shaivagama (Shaivism), has adopted the Yogaja marg in which there are 112 kinds of yoga which are called Dharana. Dharana, if practice correctly, brings about the integration of the individual Soul with the universal Soul (Bhairava or Shiva). Tantra yoga also helps the realization of the universe (nature) as the expression of Shiva’s play or Shakti (spiritual energy). The course is transformative and comprehensive and it is entirely based on scriptures. It covers all aspects of the Shaiva philosophy: Ultimate Reality, Manifestation, Bondage, liberation and Upayas (means) of liberation.

In Raja yoga, Dharana (concentration) precedes Dhyana (meditation) whereas in Tantra yoga awareness precedes state of mediation. This basic difference in Raja yoga and Tantra yoga makes Tantra relatively easier to practice and master.

Both the courses, with equal emphasis on practice and theory, prepare a serious aspirant for the ultimate goal of self-realization.

Upcoming courses and Retreats 2024-25
  • Pushkar

February 2024

  • RYT200 Raja yoga teacher training February 1 to 21, 2024
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) Immersion February 22 to 28, 2024

March 2024

  • RYT200 Raja yoga teacher training March 1 to 21, 2024
  • Himalayas

April 2024

  • RYT200 Raja yoga teacher training April 1 to 21, 2024
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (Tantra) April 23 to 29, 2024

May 2024

  • RYT300/500 Tantra Yoga teacher training course May 1 to 30, 2024 (Kashmir Shaivism)

June 2024

  • Yoga Beyond Asanas Package for corporate/online June 1 to 10, 2024
  • International Retreat Offerings United States June/July 2024
  • Saratoga Springs, Upstate NY June 15 to 25, 2024
  • West Grove, Pennsylvania June 27 to July 1, 2024
  • Salt Lake City, Utah July 3 to 7, 2024
  • Europe Offerings Portugal July to October 2024
  • RYT300/500 Tantra yoga teacher training course August 1 to 30, 2024
  • RYT200 Raja yoga teacher training course September 1 to 21, 2024
  • Introduction To Tantra yoga (One week residential Retreat) September 23 to 29 2024
  • RYT300/500 Raja yoga teacher training course October 1 to 30, 2024
RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training with Swamiji in Pushkar and in Himalayas
  • February /March 1-21 2024 in Pushkar and April 2024 in the Himalayas
  • Starts on 1st of every month
  • Concludes on 21st with traditional certification ceremony on the 21st day
  • Twin sharing rooms
  • Ashram-like ambiance
  • Freshly cooked sattvic/vegetarian food
  • Fee is INR 90,000 (payable in advance and non-refundable)
  • Key Features of the course
  • One of the very few Raja yoga schools in the world
  • Most comprehensive, authentic and pragmatic course
  • Approaches yoga purely as a spiritual discipline. Hence transformative
  • Only course that provides a detailed and practical post-training Roadmap and guidance
  • Opportunity to experience the incredible spiritual energy of Pushkar, one of the most sacred places in India
  • Hundreds of raving reviews
  • Very impressive track record with hundreds of successful past students teaching in different parts of the world
  • The course helps learn all the preparatory and deeper aspects of yoga – Shatkarma (yogic detox), Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Samyam, and Samadhi. Parinama and Kaivalya.
  • Certified by Yoga Alliance USA that allows you to teach anywhere in the world.
  • Excellent opportunity in these challenging times to invest 21 days and become a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher and boost your immunity and income.
  • The course helps explore meaningful ways of looking at life, recharge your mental faculties, soothe your nerves, keep you physically and mentally fit, boost your immunity and income and bring back the enthusiasm and excitement in life.
  • The batch starts on 1st of every month and concludes on 21st
  • The fee is payable in advance and is non-refundable
  • Saturdays are off days
  • Syllabus on Course Details page
Time Batch Hours
05:00 to 06:00 Guided meditation18 hours
06:00 to 07:30 Meditation walk 27 hours
08:00 to 10:00 Yoga + meditation integrated practice session (with walk-ins) 36 hours
10:15 to 10:45 Breakfast
11:00 to 13:00 Yoga philosophy and science (theory class) 36 hours
13:15 to 14:00 Lunch
14:00 to 15:45 Break/self-study
16:00 to 17:45 Yoga + meditation practice session (only the ttc students) 32 hours
18:00 to 19:00 Satsang (Mantra, Kundalini and Dhyana yoga) 18 hours
19:00 to 19:45 Dinner
20:00 to 21:00 Sharing Circle/Q&A 18 hours
21:00 to 22:00 Self-study 18 hours
  • Total hours 203
  • Contact hours 171
  • Non-contact hours 32
  • Evaluation Process
  • Students will be asked to answer a mid-course and final test paper and conduct a session in a group/individually as part of the practicum.
  • Dikshant (Certification) Ceremony
  • Students who regularly attend the course and pass the test will be jointly certified by Pushkar Meditation Temple and Yoga Alliance in a traditional ceremony on 21st of the month.
  • Eligibility
  • Minimum 2-year of yoga practice (any style) and body flexibility (ability to sit on the floor for extended periods) and those who have done an YTTC but lack confident to teach or not yet certified by Yoga Alliance.
  • Basic knowledge of English is essential as English is the medium of instructions.
RYT300 Yoga Teacher Training with Swamiji in Tantra Yoga in Himalayas

Tantra literally means a discipline that expands/alters our consciousness, We can alter our experience by altering the field of consciousness. There can be a sensory experience within a given time, space and object at the material level of consciousness, but there can also be an experience beyond the senses and beyond the framework of time, space and object. The latter experience can only happen when the present mind is either transcended or goes beyond its given definitions and borders. It is observed that, whenever this experience occurs, tremendous energy is released within. This, in fact, is the beginning of the state of nirvana or liberation.

Tantra believes ‘Jiva is Shiva.’ In other words, every living being is Divine. It is our identification with this body that confines us to a life of a suffering creature, making us forget our true nature. Tantra yoga helps remove this veil of ignorance, studiously eschewing mechanical worship, external rites and ceremonies and going directly to the heart of the problem of the union of human consciousness with Divine.

It describes 112 types of yoga using prana, (vital/life) energy manas (psychic energy), imagination and intuition; it brings about a realization of the universe (nature) as the expression of Shiva’s play or Shakti (spiritual energy).

The course is fairly advanced and is entirely based on scriptures. It covers all important aspects of the Shaiva system of philosophy; it can help serious aspirants achieve the ultimate goal of identification with Bhairava/Shiva, the undifferentiated universal consciousness.

  • Eligibility
  • All those who have done RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training recognized by Yoga Alliance are eligible
  • Certification
  • On successful completion of the course you are certified as RYT500 Yoga Teacher jointly by Pushkar Meditation temple and the Yoga Alliance USA that enables you to teach Yoga anywhere in the world.
  • Course Duration and Schedule
  • Duration 300 hours in 4 weeks
  • 1st May 2024 to 31st May 2024 in Himalayas and 1st August 2024 to 30th August 2024 in Portugal
Time Batch Hours
05:00 to 06:00 Guided meditation30 hours
06:00 to 07:30 Meditation walk 45 hours
08:00 to 10:00 Dharana practice session 60 hours
10:15 to 10:45 Breakfast
11:00 to 13:00 Tantra Yoga philosophy and science (theory class) 60 hours
13:15 to 14:00 lunch
14:00 to 15:45 Break/rest/self-study
16:00 to 17:45 Kundalini Yoga practice session 60 hours
18:00 to 19:00 Satsang (Mantra, Kundalini and Dhyana yoga) 30 hours
19:00 to 19:45 Dinner
20:00 to 21:00 Sharing Circle/Q&A (Alternate days) 15 hours
21:00 to 22:00 Self-practice 30 hours
  • Total hours 330
  • Contact hours 270
  • Non-contact hours 30
  • Number of students in the class/batch
  • There will be no more than 10 students in a class.
  • Medium of Instruction
  • English.
  • Course Fee
  • INR 150,000 or equivalent (payable in advance and non-refundable)
  • Syllabus
  • The syllabus is divided into three parts:

Part 1: Tantra yoga

  • Vivekaja and Yogaja Paths to Self-Realization
  • Approach to Chit (consciousness)
  • Tantra – definitions, scope and distortions
  • Introduction to Kashmir Shaivaism
  • Upayas: Anupaya, Shambhavopaya, Shaktopaya and Anavopaya
  • Bhairava and Bhairavi
  • Avalamban
  • Prana and its Shakti
  • Pranava, Hamsa and Kundalini
  • Prakash and Vimarsh
  • 112 Dharanas or types of yoga to realize the Divine consciousness

Part 2 - Kundalini yoga

  • Physiology of Kundalini
  • Kundalini and the brain
  • Methods of Kundalini Awakening
  • Preparing for the Awakening
  • Diet for Kundalini Awakening
  • Risks and Precautions
  • Kundalini and Madness
  • Four forms of Awakening
  • The Ascend and Decent of Kundalini
  • The Experience of Awakening
  • Kundalini Research

Part 3: Kriya Yoga

The Chakras

  • Introduction to Chakras
  • Evolution through the Chakras
  • Ajna Chakra
  • Mooladhara chakra
  • Swadhisthana Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Bindu
  • Sahasrara and Samadhi
  • Analysis of Chakras from psychophysiological Viewpoint

Kundalini Yoga Practice

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Asana (postures)
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices for Ajna Chakra
  • Practices for Mooladhara Chankra
  • Practices for Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices for Manipura Chakra
  • Practices for Anahata Chakra
  • Practices for Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Practices for Bindu
  • Practices for Integrated Chakra Awareness
  • Individual Sadhana Program
  • Kundalini Kriyas of Kriya Yoga
  • The Kriya Yoga Practices
Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) Immersion with Swamiji

Duration 56 hours in 7 days

  • Residential in ashram ambiance
  • From 22nd to 28th February, 2024 in Pushkar and 23rd to 29th April in Himalayas
  • Addresses mental and physical problems through yoga+meditation
  • Uses Kriya yoga practices
  • Tailored to suit individual needs of any age, sex or level of physical fitness
  • Also useful for post Covid-19 complications
  • Fee is INR 35,000 or equivalent
  • Immersion summary

Immersion is the culmination of Swamiji’s deep understanding of yoga as a healing science. It blends modern science with ancient wisdom. People struggling with mental or physical issues have greatly benefited from the Immersion having spent 7 days under the guidance of Swamiji in his ashram in Pushkar or in the Himalayas. On the first day the guest goes through a detailed diagnosis/consultation process. Based on the findings a yoga + meditation regimen is jointly developed and the guest is expected to strictly follow a suitable diet that is also recommended and served in the ashram. The progress is closely monitored and course correction if required is immediately done.

The guest follows a fixed routine and is expected to continue with it even after he/she returns home at least till the time the problem is fully addressed.

People suffering from the following ailments/disorders have greatly benefited by attending the Immersion: Anger, Anxiety, Hypertension, Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Obesity, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Angina pectoris, Backache, Blood Pressure, Constipation, Acidity, Epilepsy, Gout, Hydrocele, Impotency, heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Glands, Menopause, Menstruation, Piles, Sciatica, Stammering, Thyroid, Ulcers, Vertigo etc..

  • Topics that are covered;
  • Physiology of yoga
  • Main human systems as per science
  • Key causes of disorders
  • Cleansing using Hatha yoga
  • Importance of correct breathing
  • Symptoms and disease
  • Healing through yoga
  • Doing everything right
Time Batch Hours
06:00 to 07:30 Meditation walk10.5 hours
08:00 to 10:00 In-depth practice session 14 hours
10:15 to 10:45 Breakfast
11:00 to 13:00 Yoga and Tantra Practices for mental and Physical Health (theory + practical) 14 hours
13:15 to 14:00 Lunch
14:00 to 15:45 Break/rest/self-study
16:00 to 17:45 Spiritual practice and healing 10.15 hours
18:00 to 19:00 Satsang 7 hours
19:00 to 19:45 Dinner
21:00 to 22:00 Self-study
  • Total hours 57
  • Evaluation Process
  • Progress of each participant is evaluated using a unique process developed by Swamiji
  • Students who regularly attend the course and complete it are certified by Pushkar Meditation Temple
  • Availability
  • April 2 to 22, 2022 in Himalayas (RYT200)
  • May 1 to 21, 2022 in Himalayas (RYT200)
  • June 1 to July 14, 2022 in Himalayas (RYT300)
  • September 1 to 21, 2022 in Pushkar (RYT200)
  • October 1 to 21, 2022 in Pushkar (RYT200)
  • November 1 to December 14, 2022 (RYT300)
  • February 1 to 21, 2023 in Pushkar (RYT200)
  • March 1 to 21, 2023 in Pushkar (RYT200)
  • Eligibility
  • The person must be able to take care of oneself. Children below 12 to be accompanied by a guardian.
  • Requirements
  • Willingness to live in an ashram and follow the rules and discipline.
Enter as Body. Leave as Soul.

Pushkar Meditation Temple is a complete yoga School. It was founded by Swamiji Kapri, with a mission to teach authentic yoga (Raja and Tantra), as prescribed by ancient yogis in the scriptures of each path. In the past 12-years, Swamiji has trained nearly 1200 yoga practitioners (teachers and therapists), from different countries and continents. These professionals who have done either RYT200, RYT300/500, TAY Immersion, or morning practice Sessions with Swamiji, have carved out a niche for themselves as sharers of yoga - yoga without any distortions.

Swamiji got into teaching only to honor his Guru's wish for a limited time. That period is now drawing to close. Swamiji will teach in-person only until December 2025. Therefore for those wanting to learn yoga as per the Guru-Shishya tradition from a real master, this is a rare opportuniy.

Swamiji prefers maximum 6 participants, per batch. It is therefore better to register well in advance and secure your spot. Moreover, there are attractive discounts for early birds.

You can now register for any of the following courses:

  • RYT200 Raja yoga teacher training: wth Swamiji 3 Weeks Fees INR100,00 India; 1600 Euros; Portugal: 1750 USD
  • RYT300 Tantra yoga teacher training: 4 weeks Fees: INR 150,000 (India)1650 Euros (Portugal.1800 USD (US)
  • Therapeutic Application of yoga (TAY) Immersion: INR 50,000 (India); 550 Euros (prtugal); 600 USD (US)
  • Upcoming courses in 2024-25
  • Location: Sobral (Colmeal) ,Premalaya, Portugal
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga Teacher Training course with Swaniji: August and October 2024 (1st to 31st)
  • RYT 200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training course September 2024 (1st to 21st)
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) immersion 23rd to 29 September 2024
  • Location: Pushkar, Rajasthan India
  • Morning 8 to 10 Raja Yoga Practice Session (Walkins allowed)
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training course (8th to 28th November and 1st to 21st December, 2024)
  • Australia: January 2025
Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) immersion 24th to 30th January,
  • New Zealand: February 2025
  • Retreats
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) immersion
  • Retreats
  • Sirar, Pithoragarh, Himalaya April & May 2025
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training Course (1st to 21st April, 2025)
  • Therapeutic application of Yoga Immersion (23rd to 29th April, 2025)
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course (1st to 31st May 2025)
  • Location: Saratoga Springs, Upstate New York, USA
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training course June 1st to 21st , 2025
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) Immersion 23rd to 29th June, 2025
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga Teacher Training course 1st to 30th July, 2025
  • Location: Sobral (Colmeal) , Premalaya, Portugal
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training Course 8th to 29thst August, 2025
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course 1st to 30th September, 2025
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) Immersion 3rd to 9th October, 2025
  • Location: Pushkar, Rajasthan, India
  • PMT Alumni Meet & Retreat 1st to 7th November, 2025
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training course 9th to 30th November, 2025
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga teacher Training Course 1st to 30th December, 2025
  • Early Bird Discounts
  • Sign up before 31st October 2024 and avail 20% discount
  • Sign up before 31st December 2024 and avail 15% discount
  • Sign up before 31st March 2025 and avail 10 % discount
  • Sign up 60 days prior to the commencement of the course to avail 5% discount


Swamiji: Mobile/Whatsapp +91 9412093953/9001255893,
Email: swamiji@meditationinpushkar.in

Italian: Valentina 3296251643 (WhatsApp), valentina.fulvio@outlook.it


You can register for any of these courses by visiting our website: www.meditationinpushkar.in or sending an email to swamiji@meditationinpushkar.in or messaging to +919412093953.

Pranayama Mudra Retreat in Portugal
with Swamiji

Quick Find
Fees for various courses
(Non-refundable unless the course is cancelled by Temple management.)

  • RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training course with Swamiji in Pushkar INR 90,000 /
    1111 Euro / 1127 USD
  • RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training course with Swamiji in Himalayas INR 90,000 /
    1111 Euro / 1127 USD
  • RYT300 Yoga Teacher Training with Swamiji in Himalayas Tantra Yoga Rs 150,000 /
    1718 Euro / 1754 USD
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga Immersion in Pushkar
    Rs 40,000 /
    490 Euro / 500 USD
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga (TAY) Immersion in the Himalayas Rs. 40,000 /
    490 Euro / 500 USD
  • Yoga + meditation daily morning class for walk-ins in Pushkar
  • RYT200 Raja Yoga Teacher Training course with Swamiji in Portugal 1800 Euro
  • RYT300 Tantra Yoga Teacher Training with Swamiji in Portugal 2500 Euro
  • Therapeutic Application of Yoga Immersion in Portugal 700 Euro
  • RYT300 Raja Yoga Teacher Training with Swamiji in Portugal 2500 Euro
  • Retreat Yogaa Beyond Asanas in Portugal 700 Euro
  • Fee structure (in INR)

    * 1 class Rs. 500

    * 3 classes Rs. 1000

    * 7 classes Rs. 2000

    * 14 classes Rs. 3500

    * 21 classes Rs. 5000

    Payable on starting day and non-refundable


All the prices are payable in advance, subject to change and non - refundable.

"We cannot build enough hospitals to take care of all the sick people in the world but we can reduce the number of people getting sick through yoga + meditation."



Yoga + Meditation 2 Hour Daily